Lost in Florence at Midnight

Carol the Pilgrim heads to Florence A weird mix of events led to Carol the Pilgrim being 'Lost in Florence at Midnight'. It all began with the train trip from Orvieto to Florence. There was one of those usual delays where the train just suddenly stops - for 3 hours! The delay was due to... Continue Reading →

Carol: The Accidental Pilgrim

The Via Francigena Carol had always wondered what it would be like to be a pilgrim walking the ancient medieval Via Francigena pilgrimage route from Canterbury to Rome.  So, this is a story about how she accidentally became a pilgrim when she decided to visit Romainmôtier Abbey in Switzerland. But, her primary motive for the... Continue Reading →

Searching for the Via Francigena

The Via Francigena Historic Background of the Via Francigena This year, our travels focussed on 'searching for' the Via Francigena, a medieval pilgrim route from Canterbury to Rome. The pilgrimage is based on a diary written by Archbishop Sigeric when he travelled to Rome in 990 AD to receive his Pallium from the Pope. On... Continue Reading →

Let’s Have Lunch in Aosta, Italy!

'Let's have lunch in Aosta, Italy!' We were a bit surprised when our son-in-law, Gareth, made this suggestion at 11 am one chilly morning in November. 'That's a long way to go for lunch!', we exclaimed. 'It's only a one hour drive away, plenty of time!',  said Gareth. Now this is a classic example of... Continue Reading →

Amersfoort is full of surprises!

Amersfoort is a hidden gem!  The medieval old town abounds with history and culture.  So, here is a glimpse of what the city has to offer! Amersfoort is a flourishing city with beautiful suburbs and a well-preserved medieval old town. And, it all began as a prosperous merchant town which was granted a city charter... Continue Reading →

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